Iodine underlies many basic functions for maintaining a healthy body:
1. Healthy Metabolism
A healthy thyroid produces two hormones, thyroxine and triiodothyronine, both of which affect the Base Metabolic Rate, which is responsible for the body to absorb nutrients properly and move them throughout the body and also helps improve your sleep cycle. The secretions from thyroid glands have a direct impact on cognitive health and development.
2. Energy Level Maintenance
Iodine has a huge role in breaking down fats and complex carbohydrates by maintaining a healthy metabolic rate. Your metabolism helps keep the body energetic by absorbing nutrients efficiently while at the same time it eliminates fat retention. Fats often make the body and mind lethargic.
3. Hair and Skin Care
Iodine deficiency has been linked to hair loss – iodine helps strengthen your hair follicles, enhance hair growth. Plus, it also helps regenerate skin cells.
4. Fetus Development
Cretinism and stillbirths and infertility are common among women that are diagnosed with an iodine deficiency. Women who are expecting need a steady intake of iodine.
5. Stronger Immunity
It helps the body retain hydroxyl radicals such as vitamin C, and stimulates the activity of these antioxidants in the body which in turn lead to a stronger defense mechanism in the body.
6. Hypothyroidism Prevention
Its deficiency can be the cause of many abnormal functions in the body, hypothyroidism being one ie a slowing down significantly of the gland which can slow down many other regenerative and absorption processes in the body. This also leads to unmanageable weight gain as the body is no longer breaking down fats properly and it starts accumulating them instead.
7. Treating Fibrocystic Diseases
Iodine molecules prevents fibrocystic growths, breast tenderness, and turgidity.
8. Cancer Prevention
It is strongly linked to the reduction of thyroid cancer and all cancerous growths and cells.
9. Facilitates Apoptosis
Apoptosis is programmed cell death in cancerous cells and other damaged cells and is part of the regenerative process. It is strongly related to the adequate hormone secretion from the thyroid gland.
10. Removing Toxins
It helps draw out the impurities and harmful chemicals from the body such as lead, mercury and other harmful biological toxins. It has antibacterial properties and targets helicobacter pylori, which is what causes gastric cancer.
11. A Cure for Goiter
Iodine deficiency is the cause of goiter in many people and can open doors too many chronic diseases