What is moringa, and why is everyone eating it or growing it? Have you even heard of it?
Native to northwestern India, Moringa oleifera is a small tree that’s grown in tropical and subtropical areas around the world. The leaves have a slightly nutty taste with a hint of horseradish and can be eaten raw or cooked, though they’re most commonly powdered and used as a supplement in smoothies and drinks or made into a tea.
It’s extraordinarily nutritious: Ounce for ounce Moringa has twice the protein of yogurt, four times as much calcium as milk, and three times as much potassium as a banana.
Moringa plants grow all year round
Not only is it healthy and tasty, but you don’t have to feel guilty about buying it. Unlike crops that can be harvested only once a year, moringa leaves grow and mature all year round. This means farmers can subsist on the plants while growing them, which hinders the kind of problems typically associated with foods such as quinoa, where the entire crop must be sold, leaving little for the farmers or their communities. The trees also need little in the way of water or fertilizers and grow easily in dry places where few other crops do well
The tree also produces other crops and products growers use and sell locally: The seed pods are edible, and the seeds can be made into a useful oil. Not only do they produce abundant crops. Bonus: The leaves are compact and lightweight to store and ship, giving them a much smaller ecological footprint.
So where can you find some?
Moringa leaf is getting easier to find every day. It’s sold in most health food stores and many supermarkets, and you can shop for it online. You’ll find moringa leaf powder sold in powdered form, as well as ready-to- eat products such as Kuli Kuli Dark Chocolate Cherry Energy Bars (which supports small farmers in Africa) or blended with other ingredients to make a supplement, such as Essential Living Foods Organic Vegan Protein Powder. It’s even found its way into beauty products, such as Blue Labelle Organic Restorative Face Oil. Moringa smoothies and facials, anyone?
If you would like to trial it as an alternative crop here is a comprehensive site which sells the Moringa seeds and has lots of growing information 07 4222 1155 or go to the link below
Ref: Jean Nick of Rodales Organic Life