Emma Germano is a horicultural leader fighting for a better deal for all farmers. She is currently president of the Victorian Farmers Federation Horticulture group and a former Nuffield scholar who was inspired to look outside the box when returning to the family farm.
Emma’s farm is a small commerical family farm which traditionally supplies domestic vegetable markets. She is seeking to increase farm gate returns through alternative retail channels and wants to connect with locals.
For Emma the issue is bigger than $: A national survey of year 6 and 10 students by the australian council for educational research in 2012 found yawning gaps in young people’s knowledge of basic food origins with over a quarter of year 6 children thinking yoghurt grew on trees and 3 quarters believing cotton came from animals. It is about educating consumers, social license and better regulatory and business environment for farms.
In this DVD you will learn from Emma that all farmers can gain more control of their prices through E Commerce one step at a time.
Marketing for the small farm
1. Connecting with consumers
2. Building a brand + telling your story and
3. Agvocating