Live Webinar with Warren Roberts
Warren Roberts

Building connection & unity between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People and Non-Indigenous Australians
Discover more about Warren Roberts
Thank You Messages!
Brenna Fletcher: thankyou so much Farming secrets and Warren for today.
Helen Disler: I find NITV is a wonderful source for stories
Jess : thank you for this session!
Anna: thanks so much warren for giving us your time
LJ Sparrey: Thank you so so much Warren. so much deep gratitude to you.
Kath Teagle: vital work folks, thanks to everyone
Alex Hunter: Thank you Warren & Farming Secrets for this interesting workshop & discussion
Roisin: Such a great opportunity to hear some of your story Warren! Thank-you. Sorry my internet was playing up & missed some.
Leanne Davis: Thank you for a great session.
Billco: Very stimulating, Warren. Thanks very much.
Leanne Davis: Thank you Warren. I’ve found this session very valuable.
Rosalie: THank you Warren, this has been so beautiful and useful.
Brenna Fletcher: Thankyou thank you thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou
Callan Lawrence: Thank you Warren! Your message about the importance of story and relationships resonated with me!
Ray Milidoni: Thank you WarrenThank you WarrenThank you WarrenThank you WarrenThank you WarrenThank you Warren
Anna: thank you for sharing with us, so grateful to you. you’re so right about slowing down!
Jess : Thank you!!!
Jo Quinlan: A terrific session, thank you Warren, lots of gratitude for your explanations! Well done Farming Secrets on linking us with Warren and Yarn Australia.
kevin: Thank you Warren & Farming secrets, very valuable session Kevin
Aziza: Thank you so much, it was great to stop and listen. I am encouraged to go out to my community and start yarning!
sarah: Thanks for the session and to Warren – so valuable.
Helen Disler: Thankyou for your warmth and experience that you brought today!
LJ Sparrey: So grateful for your wisdom Warren. Reflecting on everything you have shared with us. Thank you so much. LJ.
M, K, T & E: Thank you
Alex Hunter: Thanks again, Warren 🙂
Sondra Zemansky: thank you
Tim Welch: Thanks Warren very powerful !
Kath Teagle: so grateful for this conversation!
Bella: Thank you so much, Warren for today’s session. It was indeed wonderful!
johanna skelton: Thank you Warren. Impactful session. Relationship first is wonderful life advice.
Grant McLeod: such an enlightening session.. thanks to all
Anna Jane Linke: Thanks so much Warren! Great insight as always
Jason Buchanan: Today really touches on the importance of talking, and such an integral part of this revolves around food and the sharing of stories, and this is common across all cultures. Thank you so much Warren for reflecting on that and for bringing back everything to a simple notion of sharing and listening.