Compost – Tips and Tricks with Gerhard Grasser
Today's Guest:
Gerhard Grasser

Composing Tips and Tricks
Points discussed in this presentation
- Can we please have a copy of the notes/presentation: Thank you.
- You could build your compost above a garden bed, on where you wil build a bed next season
- All kitchen scraps?
- There are now available commercial options for composting humans
- I buried the sheep guts in the middle of my static pile over the weekend so am keen to see what happens
- Does hugelkultur work or is there not enough aeration..?
- Thank you. I am grateful for sharing knowledge!
- And also the longterm cost of synthetic nutrients…? Killing soil…?
- also the embedded energy in synthetics
- Why would we pay Russia for ammonium nitrate that’s poisoning our topsoil…?
- What kind of worms came into Gerard’s compost? Earth worms or composting worms?
- One of the best overviews I’ve heard on composting
- Thanks Gerhard
- Very informative . Thank you !!
- Have you had any problem ingredients you’ve added to your compost? Anything that has harmed the biological numbers?
- Thank you. Do you run any workshops we could attend?
- Always get more knowledge, thanks for the info. I have been experimenting with compost as a home gardener for many years now. I picked up several ideas that will be applied. Passion, observation, decision, activation, care are all requirements needed.
- Have you attempted the Johnson-Su Bioreactor method of composting?
- If you consider your compost pile as a living entity, your management sometime makes more sense.
- Thank you very much Gerhard for your presentation and discussion!
PS PPT available. Please email for a copy