Apples are a popular fruit in the Western world, although some people don’t like the skin. Apple skin or peels are often discarded due to habit or preference by eaters, while others are worried about consuming potential pesticide residue or the natural wax coating that appears powdery on the peel.
They’re certainly missing a ton of nutrients.
Did you know? A raw apple with skin contains up to 332 percent more vitamin K, 142 percent more vitamin A, 115 percent more vitamin C, 20 percent more calcium and up to 19 percent more potassium than a peeled apple.
By peeling apples and not eating the skin, you’re discarding the most nutrient-rich part of the fruit.
So, what is so special about apple peels?
Apples are one of the fruits dietitians recommend not peeling because the peels of apples are high in phenolics. Apple peels were also shown to more effectively inhibit the group of human liver cancer cells (HepG2) than the other apple components. The apple peel stores natural compounds called triterpenoids, which either kill or slow the growth of cancer cells.
Apple peel, as a contributor to the entire quantity of the examined concentration of bioactive compounds, was found to have great amounts of flavonols – including quercetin and anthocyanins, which have been shown to exhibit anti-inflammatory, anti-thrombogenic, anti-diabetic, anti-cancer and neuroprotective activities. It also contains ascorbate, total phenolics and thiols (cysteine and glutathione). Apple peels are high in potassium.
According to experts, every apple peel carries 8.4 milligrams of vitamin C and 98 IU of vitamin A. The peel also contains about 72 percent of the apple’s antioxidant vitamin E and bone-building vitamin K. The skin also holds nearly half the total iron and the apple’s folate – important in red blood cell formation and for healthy cell growth and function. These nutrients are also crucial during early pregnancy to reduce the risk of birth defects in the brain and spine.
Amazing health benefits of apple skin
Studies found that apple skin does the following. It supports: a healthy immune system, brain health, heart health, a healthy digestive system, healthy glowing skin, prevents premature aging and enhances skin glow, eye health and lastly promotes sensible weight management goals. Apple peel is a rich source of dietary fiber that can help you feel fuller for longer periods. Also, apple peels contain ursolic acid that helps burn calories and may also help protect against obesity.
In general, the skin or peel of fruits and vegetables is generally higher in antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and minerals than the flesh component. And antioxidant levels in the skins of fruits could be up to 328 times higher than those found in the flesh.