I think we all somewhere along the line have eaten food that we know is not good for us. I know that I am guilty of this. Only last year I heard Dr Maarten Stapper tell a group of farmers that Tim Tams were so bad that they have been banned in some countries. Now I happen to like Tim Tams and admit I ate one the very next day! However when I read later that Tim Tam’s are not even made of chocolate and that synthetic chocolate has no nutritional food value whatsoever, I wondered then what is in them and haven’t eaten one since.(Neither are Smarties by the way which also should be avoided as they contain almost every toxic artificial colour on the market!)
Knowledge is a very powerful thing in breaking habits.
But it is just not what is in the processed food that you eat – it is in the combination of foods and not just processed ones either.
Did you know that anybody who takes Vitamin C should avoid the following Soft drinks: Sunkist, Fanta, Diet Coke, Sprite, & Pepsi Max?
Why? Because these drinks contain Sodium Benzoate 211 (on the label) and a chemical reaction between Vitamin C and Sodium Benzoate creates Benzine a highly carcinogenic chemical (story by Channel 9). Benzine has the ability to severely damage the DNA in the mitochondria to the point that it totally inactivates it, knocks it out altogether. The mitochondria consume oxygen to give you energy, and if you damage it, then the cell start to malfunction very seriously, often fatally. A whole array of diseases has been tied to the damage to the DNA, including Parkinson’s disease and quite a lot of neuro-degenerative diseases. Have you noticed that these disorders are becoming more common?
Nor should you mix Mentos or in fact any mint products. (Mint Life Savers, Tic Tac’s, Cool Mint’s, etc,) with Diet Coke as they cause a chemical reaction (explosion) in the stomach due to the aspartame in the diet drinks, 951 on the label, also avoid 950 Acelsultame F (same thing). Aspartame poisoning has been scientifically linked to 92 symptoms of disease….! Still going to drink your Diet Drinks???
Most European countries have forbidden the importing and use in their country of aspartame including all makes of saccharin, example Equal, Nutra-Sweet, Spoonful & Diet Drinks, including 6,000 consumer goods and beverages, sold on the supermarket shelves.
Mexico is also considering banning all 6,000 products of Aspartame on its Supermarket shelves. Did you know that In Mexico aspartame is known as Rumsfeld’s Disease, after George Bush’s mate Donald Rumsfeld? The Nutra-Sweet company and Searle are owned by Monsanto who appointed Rumsfeld as their General Manager, so they could use his clout with Congress to get this deadly poison passed by the FDA and boost their sales of aspartame.