In the 1950s, after the war, the demand for more food increased, primarily from the fast food industry. Our society was becoming industrialized and more women took to the work force which reduced the amount of time available to prepare and eat a “sit down” meal. This increased demand pressured the farmer to increase “yield” on their crops. Many turned to science for help.
The science produced pesticides, herbicides and larvicides: toxic chemicals, to be sprayed on the plants to control “pests”. The suffix “cide” means “death.”
Were yields increased? Yes, but only the green leaf part of the plant. The vital yield of mineral nutrients substantially decreased. But the food vendors didn’t care about yield on mineral contents because their customers, you and me, wanted more for less. What we got was less for more; less vital nutrients and more disease and medical costs with poor health.
These chemicals killed the topsoil’s ecosystem and wreaked havoc with the delicate balance of the ten categories of organisms to work “interactively” together to produce a fruit or vegetable with all of the needed 60 minerals.
There is much evidence to support this discovery. Jim Rhodes, a noted nutritionist, working with Loma Linda University and the University of Mississippi conducted studies on the effect of spraying all these “cides” on our crops. Their findings were presented to the Harvard Medical School. Their study concluded that most of our country’s topsoil was dead, i.e., the delicate interaction was destroyed when these “cides” leached their way into the topsoil. Plants today do not contain anything close to the mineral capacity of pre-crop dusting days in the 1950s.
UCLA conducted a study of spinach grown in southern California in response to pregnant woman who were becoming anemic, i.e., they had an iron deficiency. Their initial study was conducted in 1953. At that time a woman would only need to eat one bowl of spinach per week to receive all the iron necessary for vital function. Fast forward to 2007 when UCLA again performed this study on the exact same spinach fields in southern California. The updated results concluded that 51 bowls of spinach would have to be eaten in 2007 in order to obtain the same about of iron from just one bowl in 1953.
Can you eat 51 bowls of spinach?
Why do you think Western countries in particular are in a health crisis?
Can you draw a conclusion from Dr. Pauling’s statement and the poor state of our nutritionally depleted food?