Course Overview:

“How To Make Organic Compost”
(1 video running time approx. 80 mins).
Included: eBook version
Watch as Dr. Elaine Ingham, one of the world’s foremost authority in microbiology and soils, reveals the secrets to making organic compost scientifically and simply! Discover as Dr. Elaine Ingham reveals the methods, materials and equipment required to make the highest quality compost for ALL Gardeners and Growers!
Chapter 1 – Elaine steps you through how to make compost. Starting with a variety of waste materials she tells you what to select, the proportions you need and how to adjust it for your requirements. And here’s the good news! It doesn’t smell, it doesn’t go all “gooey” it doesn’t attract pests. And the results? In just 6 weeks you have a compost that is rich, friable, fully decomposed compost. Free of pathogens Rich in nutrients Balanced to feed your soil life Full of good bacteria and fungi
Chapter 2 – Question and Answers
Chapter 3 -Jack Waterman shows you how to Build the Compost Surround

“Compost – Just do it”
(2 videos running time approx. 4 hours)
Background of compost making on the farms that Elaine visited | Elaine introduces us to the soil microbes | Who is Elaine Ingham? | Why use inorganic fertilisers?
Why pesticides are not a healthy option and other questions| More examples of getting the biology right | What is a Weed? Proper nutrient cycling with the Soil Foodweb | Aerobic forms of nitrogen v anaerobic forms; How far do roots go?
Video 1
– Introduction with Tony Evans, Camperdown Compost
– Background of compost making on the farms that Elaine visited – Tony Evans
– Introduction to Dr Elaine Ingham by Nick Routson
– Elaine introduces us to the soil microbes
– Who is Elaine Ingham? GM; Rodale Institute; Why use inorganic fertilisers?
Video 2
– Questions; Why pesticides are not a healthy option; Ian Smith
– More examples of getting the biology right
– What is a Weed? Proper nutrient cycling with the Soil Foodweb
– Aerobic forms of nitrogen v anaerobic forms; How far do roots go?
– Conclusion with Nick Routson and Elaine Ingham

“True Fertility Compost Tea Revision Day”
(3 videos running time approx. 6 hours)
“Revision Day” has past attendees sharing, questioning and deepening their knowledge from practical experiences learnt since applying the skills from previous attendance in past years at the “True Fertility Workshop – Combining Soil Biology, Chemistry and Structure”. It was a great opportunity to get in depth answers on the spot from Elaine. This day was a first and at the end it was voted a winner! So it is back again.
Video 1
CHAPTER 1 Compost Tea & Extracts
– How to make a compost extract?
– Is there a minimum temperature for the water when brewing?
– How to monitor the brew. What food do you add to a brew? What to test if your brew isn’t right? The benefits of a simple brewer
CHAPTER 2 The Type of Brewer & Water Quality
Does the pH of the water select for fungi or bacteria?
Is there any sequence of adding the foods to your tea?
CHAPTER 3 Composting
How uniform does the temperature have to be in the whole pile?
How good is the result from using a front end loader? Can you compost toxic materials?
CHAPTER 4 The Use of Herbicides & How To Increase Fungi
What is the impact of herbicides on microorganisms? How do you get rid of cape weed, bindi etc. biologically? How do add VAM to plants that are already growing?
Do mycorrhizal fungi spread from one plant to another? Do perennial plants maintain the mycorrhizal fungi?
Video 2
CHAPTER 1 What is essential when starting out?
A walk using your eyeballs! Lots of tools & equipment listed here
CHAPTER 2 What is the difference between compost tea and compost extract?
How do you select against weed seeds? What do you use to spread the compost? On broad acre can you compost in place with green manure?
CHAPTER 3 Discussion of Crops and Soil Biology
Is there an optimum time to cut the crops? If you spray a tea or put an extract on a straw mulch is that going to work? How specific can you get with getting the right biology? Is there any data on bacterial/fungal ratio for plants?
CHAPTER 4 What is VAM?
Is there a substitute for fish hydrolysate? How is pine oil used as a herbicide in the soil affect the microbes? What difference does the different animal manure make to the soil microbes?
Video 3
Reports from students of the course

“True Fertility Compost & Compost Tea Workshops – Combining Soil Biology, Chemistry and Structure”
(6 videos running time approx 12 hours)
This 2-day workshop is full of comprehensive advice for all practitioners and “would-be” practitioners of the art of compost and compost tea making. It is full and faithful filming of both days including whiteboard illustrations and slides as used by Elaine complete with all questions and answers.
Day 1
What is Compost? The Organisms in Compost. Important Points in Making Compost. How to Make Thermal Compost. Important points when Making Compost. How to Make Worm Compost. Compost Facts. Results Using Compost
Day 2
What is Compost Tea? Factors In Making Good Compost Tea. The Compost Tea Making Process. Types of Brewers. Application Methods. Results In Using Compost Teas.

Dr Elaine Ingham and Selected Farmers
Dr Elaine Ingham is an energetic, easy-to-understand speaker who explains what life in the soil is all about. Behind this “user-friendly” approach lies a wealth of knowledge gained from years of intensive research into the organisms which make up the soil foodweb.
Elaine not only understands the soil foodweb, she has knowledge on how to ensure a healthy foodweb to promote plant growth and reduce reliance on inorganic chemicals.