Garry McDouall lives and works from his family property near Tamworth in New South Wales. He is a graduate of the Rural Profit System and a very experienced practitioner of the holistic farming practices recommended by RCS. Garry is a teacher of all grazing programs with RC8. Garry also consults on farm and facilitates at Executive Link.
Furthermore, he delivers a series of training courses on Subtle Energy and Geomancy in the Australian landscape Beef producing farmer and carbon farming advocate Garry McDouaII is a champion of the benefits of carbon for farming sustainability.
He spends a lot of time on” his New England NSW farming enterprise to tour Australia as an educator.
His message is backed up by proof that changing farming practices can lead to economic and environmental benefits. “We took a farm that would have been regarded as a high performance farm. in terms of traditional agronomic measurement, through to a conscious decision to bring that property back to a native grass property. “We have
kept production similar to what it was but we have cut our costs and we are more profitable by a significant percentage.”
He says carbon soil health is the foundation for farming productivity.
“If we want to rebuild the ecological base of our farms, then we sequester carbon,”
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Listen to the Follow up “Talk the Walk” Q&A Call Session
Hugo Disler interviews Garry McDouall
“Meeting the Challenge for Change Needs an Open Mind for Farming Survival”