Weeds As Messengers – Part 2
Often weeds are seen as a problem rather than beneficial to the land. Many weeds and herbs are known to be mineral accumulators and are very important to the ongoing health of the soil.
Weeds As Messengers – Part 1
Biodynamic, organic and biological agriculture look at weeds as messengers. What message are they giving us and how can we act on the message? Killing the messenger is not an option! The farmer needs to go back into the history of the area/paddock/land and look at the symptoms presenting and work towards longer term solutions.
Are You About to Use a Weedicide?
Important points to consider when choosing to use a chemical hopefully as a last resort. Last week I was speaking with a farmer who was farming without chemicals but said that regrettably he had to use glyphosate recently.
Is there a Link Between Our Modern Day Diet and the Decline of Good Health and Increase in Debilitating Diseases?
Use of lead pipes and lead cooking vessels is given as one reason for the decline of ancient Rome. Just as the Romans were largely unaware of the insidious effects of lead in their food, wine and water the general population is unaware of the damage of a modern day diet.
Have You Heard of the Dentist Weston A. Price?
Some years ago he carried out some private studies on teeth and diet which revealed some basic facts, firstly the importance of a natural, nutrient rich diet. In 1999 a Weston A. Price organization was formed to spread the results of his findings…
“You Are What You Eat”
You’ve probably often heard the saying “You are what you eat” If this is true it follows then that the food that we eat matters. Therefore the way our food is grown also matters a lot and even more so in the near future.
Have You Been Refused Dental Treatment Lately?
Have you been refused dental treatment lately? Maybe it’s not your fault either. If you are suffering gum disease as a result of a diabetes one periodontist at least is refusing to treat his patients as he knows that it is only band aid treatment.
The Brain is Involved in Everything You Do – How You Think, Feel, Act
No matter who you are you work better when your brain works better. The brain is involved in everything you do – how you think, feel, act. The brain is the most complicated organ in the universe.
Grazing Management is Another Tool for Maintaining Soil Nutrients
Grazing management is another tool for maintaining soil nutrients is managing the landscape with livestock. Managing grazing can increase the health of a landscape enormously.
Nitrogen is Elemental to Life – Part 4
All growers should grow or capture their own nitrogen. When you capture your own nitrogen you save your time, your money, your soil and ultimately the world environment.
Nitrogen is Elemental to Life – Part 3
Nitrogen is vital for plants growth in the formation of proteins which is in turn vital to much of living matter. Since science started to get involved in agriculture in 1845 nitrogen has been grossly abused.
Nitrogen is Elemental to Life – Part 2
Nitrogen is elemental to life. It’s the essential building block of the plants we eat. Farmers remove it from the soil when they harvest the year’s crop, and they must replenish it for the following year’s.
Nitrogen is Elemental to Life – Part 1
Nitrogen is elemental to life. It’s the essential building block of the plants we eat. Farmers remove it from the soil when they harvest the year’s crop, and they must replenish it for the following year’s.
Regenerative Agriculture as Practiced at Rodale Farm
Regenerative Agriculture as practiced at Rodale Farm is Productive, Competitive and Sustainable. Nearly 30 years of trialling organic v conventional farming has the indisputable research data based on over 50 peer reviewed publications to prove it.
Future Farming: Productive, Competitive and Sustainable
In addition to enhancing water-holding capacity, high organic matter (carbon) performs many other functions in soil, including the maintenance of soil structure allowing water, air and nutrient availability.
Future Farming: Productive, Competitive and Sustainable
In addition to enhancing water-holding capacity, high organic matter (carbon) performs many other functions in soil, including the maintenance of soil structure allowing water, air and nutrient availability.
Future Farming: Productive, Competitive and Sustainable.
What is it going to take for the support to shift from industrial farming to regenerative farming where Mother Nature is allowed to do her work? And how do we do this?
Future Farming: Productive, Competitive and Sustainable
According to research billions of dollars are being spent on fertilizers in industrial farming systems. The result is that in last 60 years farmers are increasingly in debt while international corporations continue to thrive.
‘Australia is in danger of becoming a country of modern-day serfs working for a foreign landlord’ Bob Katter*
Farmers forever tenaciously confident in this industry’s future came to realize the reality that the government cancer of market-ism – a disease carried on the wind of corporate interest – was, for them, ultimately a death sentence.
Are You Immune to “Herd Thinking”?
Are you one of the early adopters or what some might term ‘a renegade’ in your farming community? Do you wonder why other farmers are still farming like their fathers did? Or are you perhaps still not sure about making steps toward biological farming? Why is this so?
The Importance of Creating a Resilient Farm
The opposite to resilience is to be vulnerable which in essence means open to attack at all levels! And when we are under attack we respond – sometimes inappropriately, dealing with the immediate problem rather than planning and preparing our defence.
GRAIN growers Tim and Julia Hausler – Growing Genetically Modified Canola – Part 2
We aim to control the ryegrass and other problem weeds by simply spraying one or two applications of glyphosate. The Hauslers acquired land that was showing a problem with herbicide-resistant annual ryegrass. “We followed it last year and this season we have sown GT Scorpion
GRAIN growers Tim and Julia Hausler – Growing Genetically Modified Canola – Part 1
GRAIN growers Tim and Julia Hausler have a simple reason for growing genetically modified canola – it saves them money. “If the benefits were not there or if it was costing us money we would not be doing it
Dr. Elaine Ingham put together a scientific paper, in ‘Crop Protection’ (scientific journal) – Part 3
The first step was tillage. That was what started the process of loss of the life, and conversion of your soil into an environment that can no longer grow beneficial organisms.