Maarten Stapper

Dr Maarten Stapper has more than forty years of experience as agricultural scientist working on four continents (ecosystems!). He is a former senior scientist with CSIRO Australia, working with farmers to reduce reliance on synthetic fertilizers and chemicals, and questioning GMO. Employing a holistic approach, he is an expert across a wide spectrum of agricultural areas in research, development and extension. For this he was awarded a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology.
Maarten stood at the cradle of Farming Secrets 13 years ago with Helen and Hugo recording Steps into Biological Farming presentations. How did he get there as a scientist? Why are farmers ahead of science? Imagination leads the way to change. Observe, interact and accept feedback.
Dr Maarten Stapper will draw the Summit presentations together to support profitable regenerative Farming Systems. Hear more about the principles connecting soil carbon, soil foodweb, nutrients, insects, diseases and weeds with healthy soils, healthy food and the Clean & Green myth. Examples of landscape regeneration through Natural Sequence Farming and use of Soilkee Renovator will be presented, delivering biodiversity and farm resilience under variable climates.