Why Honey Is Still The Best Antibiotic & Conventional Antibiotics Are Making Us Sicker In The Long Run
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are increasing due to reckless dependency on prescriptions. Doctors carelessly prescribe antibiotics for viral infections, which is useless since antibiotics are only effective for breaking up bacterial infections.
Hugging a Loved One Has a Number of Health Benefits
A hug can convey a lot about how we feel about another person. It is not only a great way to bond with one another, it makes us feel good too. Surprisingly though, hugging has several other physical health benefits as well. Here are 10 reasons why we should hug our loved ones more often.
5 Plants Will Save You from Deadly Airborne Chemicals
Everyone knows that growing plants inside your home can bring beauty, vitality, and life into any living space. Although I did have an Aunt Margaret who hated the spiders that came with them and would never have living plants as a consequence.
Use Manuka Honey to Heal Yourself
Manuka honey contains anti-bacterial properties and in a study conducted by the University of Sydney killed nearly every types of bacteria it was exposed to. Manuka honey is made by bees that feed on the flowers of the manuka bush, also known as the tea tree, in New Zealand.
10 Fantastic Uses for Baking Soda For Your Personal Care
Baking soda makes a perfect stand-in for many personal care products, which are adding their own twist to the toxic tangle of pollutants and personal health (mainly in the form of synthetic fragrance (and it’s almost all synthetic), sodium laurel sulfate, and parabens).
10 Best Home Remedies for a Case of Food Poisoning
All of us have suffered from food poisoning at some point in our life. You may have had those hamburgers from the roadside stall – in my case it was eating a raw tomato, onion and peanut salad in India – silly of me I know! – only to get a severe stomach ache and diarrhea a day later.
7 Amazing Health Benefits of Apples
In 2004, USDA scientists decided to find out the antioxidant concentration per serving in over 100 foods. Antioxidants are natural disease-fighting compounds found in foods and scientists believe that these compounds help prevent and repair oxidation damage that happens during normal cell activity.
7 Great Health Benefits of Ginger – A Necessity in Every Kitchen
Ginger truly does top the list of effective natural home remedies. Being used throughout history by different cultures around the world, ginger harnesses an incredible healing power proven for a host of ailments. The spice is packed with essential nutrients and rejuvenating compounds.
Dandelions Have A Myriad Of Uses Including A Simple Homemade Recipe to Relieve Joint Pain
Dandelions grow universally and hence have a long history of beneficial uses to treat a variety of ailments and conditions. This super herb contains vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to your health and we often eat the leaves or chop them into a salad along with the flower.
Top 8 Great Benefits of Eating Avocado Seeds – Yes, that’s right – Seeds!
The avocado is often hailed for its known nutritional qualities and is very popular with chefs for its versatility. Recently there has been a series of YouTube clips on the many ways that it is being served for breakfast along with eg. on corn pancakes, or sour dough with tomato relish or a few herbs.
Memorable Quotes From A Man With An Incredible Intellect: 5 Sayings To Add New Dimensions To Your Life
Mark Twain is considered by many to be one of the greatest American authors in history. He wasn’t only a writer though, he was also a source of constant inspiration, a fountain of memorable quotes and a man with incredible intellect.
7 Natural Anti-Anxiety Supplements To Reduce Stress
It is becoming more accepted and well known that stress can be a primary trigger of illness and disease. Thankfully, there are many natural herbs and supplements that can reduce stress without causing the side effects that many pharmaceutical medications do.
10 Convenient Uses for Cinnamon
Cinnamon is one of the world’s oldest spices, that imparts a magnificent aroma to a wide variety of foods. But, besides its great taste and smell, cinnamon is also considered to have quite a variety of healing properties too. Many of its benefits derive from the spice’s antifungal, antibacterial and antioxidant prowess.
10 Healing Benefits of Ginger
Ginger is an ancient wonder spice and is given the status of a “natural medicine chest” in ancient Ayurvedic medicine. That’s because this wonder spice has time-tested, digestion-friendly properties, in addition to its numerous other health benefits.
One Whiff Of These 10 Scents Can Relieve Stress Almost Instantly
Ever wonder why some scents make you feel relaxed or energized? It’s no coincidence and we have our olfactory system to thank for its intimate relationship with the brain, which affects both our memory and mood. Here are 10 scents which will enhance this system with just one whiff
Weeds As Your Natural Medicine
We should know that all weeds serve a purpose; in fact, some are healthy for us and can be very beneficial. In fact many of the ‘annoying’ weeds that people pull out or spray are actually good for you. A lot of them can be eaten, crushed, or dried and used as medicines that are free, generally safe, and abundant.
Apple Cider Vinegar for Detoxification
Apple cider vinegar is very versatile and has many all-natural uses in food, household cleaning and health. Many health enthusiasts praise the healing properties of apple cider vinegar to cure almost everything.
Apple Cider Vinegar Is Renowned For Its Many Uses As A Natural Health Remedy For Animals
Apple Cider Vinegar is recommended as a great starter to the day taken with a little honey if the taste is too sharp for you. It is also known to prolong the feeling of satiety after eating, it has well-documented anti-glycemic effects, amongst other uses.
The Doctor of the Future will Give No Medicine
The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease. Here are three short selections we have chosen on how removing trapped emotions can aid in relieving and in some cases reversing physical disease and emotional traumas.
How The Emotion Code Is Being Used To Helping Animals Overcome Their Physical Problems
There are a huge number of stories about animals being helped through people trained to use muscle testing to release Trapped Emotions. Here are just 3 to try and help you understand just how powerful the work can be. It is amazing that through energy we can access this type of healing by following a few simple steps using the guides that are provided.
The Emotion Code
The Emotion Code is easy to understand, simple to use, and often quite breathtaking in it’s powerful ability to free us from our emotional baggage. How many times have you heard someone use the phrase “emotional baggage” in reference to another person? And what is emotional baggage, anyway?
Some Facts to Consider To Regain Control Of Your Health and To Heal Yourself
According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, internal stress is caused by deeply held wrong beliefs. These beliefs cause us to interpret circumstances as threatening, when in actuality they aren’t. This wrong interpretation of our circumstances causes the unhealthy activation of what we have come to know as the “fight-or-flight” syndrome.
Some Facts to Consider Regarding Your Health
Stress Kills: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Stanford University Medical School, and numerous health experts, the number one killer on the planet is stress. Up to 95% of all physical and nonphysical health problems have stress as their origin.
7 Parts of Your Life That Suffer When You Fail to Change
Change. It’s a scary thing, and fears associated with change often cause people to just give up. But how scary is not making a change?