Discover the secrets of worm composting with David Davidson and start reaping the benefits of worm castings, worm compost and worm tea for all growers…
World leader in practical, farm friendly, soil microbiology. Established 12 Soil Foodweb (SFI) laboratories worldwide. Now millions of acres being far…
David Davidson is President of the Australian Worm Growers Association Vermiculture Inc. and is passionate about all things to do with worms! This mea…
In this presentation you will find out why conventional fertilisers are being surpassed by natural, simple biological nutrients. You are blessed to be…
Peter takes us on a journey retracing the history of landscapes before man intervened. He shows us through a series of historical photos how the land …
Assurance and confidence that biological or sustainable farming practices not only work, they work better than conventional practices. The world marke…
Access to our guided activities to get a better understanding of your soil profile. Resource page full of links and tools to help you. Weekly check-in…