Your Current Thinking has Got You to Where You are Today
If you are achieving your goals in this area you are what we would term an innovative and thinking industry leader. You would have developed practices that not only increase healthy soil biology…
Weighing Up the Cost of Wrong “Scientific” Information
We all have different belief systems which are formed within our family and reinforced by our education, our communities and the media as we grow up. As we develop we learn to trust in authority and people who are older…
Fertile Land with Access to Water has Become a Strategic Asset
Fertile soil may become more important to land values than oil or minerals in the ground. Some say it is already a strategic asset on a par with oil.
Biological Farming Helps Fight CO2 Emissions
Studies have shown that conventional arable farming operations in England consume some 17,000 litres of fossil fuels embodied in fertilisers per 100 hectare of land each year. Worldwide, 90 million tonnes of mineral oil or natural gas are processed…
Improving Your Soil Is Essential To Quality Production
A highly active and complex soil life is essential to grow produce of optimum quality, naturally nutrient dense and balanced. It is becoming increasingly obvious that soils, due mainly to current farming systems…
Work with Your Local Community to Create Your Future Viability
Recently we have been researching local Community Support Agriculture (CSA) groups to find out how they operate successfully. There are a growing handful of farmers who are selling locally…
Create your Own Market to Ensure Your Future Viability
Recently we have been speaking with farmers who are very interested in finding out how to dictate to the market the prices that would justify a fair return for their produce. There are a handful of farmers…
The Economics of Biological Farming is Simple: Less Cost and Better Produce
A biological fertiliser program cost one farmer $110/ha this year compared with $215/ha for a conventional application of urea and MAP based on current prices. Plus in 2005 wheat averaged 4.4 tonnes/ha compared to…
The Costly Nitrogen Myth
You probably know of farmers top dressing their cereal crops with nitrogen sometimes twice in the season. Sometimes they have improved crops. Sometimes they have to use higher rates yet production remains about the same.
Dairy Farmers Told to Reduce the Use of Nitrogen or Grow Blueberries!
A recent article in a farm weekly reports that farmers around Lake Taupo, in the North Island of New Zealand, will need a permit to farm. Authorities will restrict by 20% the amount of nitrogen the farmer can discharge into the water ways.
Eating Organic or Nutrient Dense Food could be the Answer to the Obesity Epidemic Many Experts Report
Government body studies have shown in the UK and Australia that nutritional values of basic food has decreased by some 50% since 1950 so the proportions size that once produced sufficient nutrients no longer does so.
Nutrient Dense Produce is the Key to Profitable Farming with Immense Satisfaction
Work only with consultants and experts who fully understand how to achieve nutrient dense produce. Be mindful of how critically important soil life is to nutrient density and its symbiotic relationship to minerals, gases and organic matter.
How does a Farmer Grow Nutrient Dense Stockfeed and any other Crops that are Productive, Profitable and Relatively Trouble Free?
Understand that it’s the soil life: bacteria, fungi and the rest of the soil food web which convert minerals and gases into available plant food for plant roots to uptake.
Getting a Grip on Nutrient Dense Produce is the Biggest, Most Important Aspect of Farming Profitably and with Satisfaction
Just imagine how much better your plants, stock and ultimately we would be if we all consumed food that had been similarly grown and contained at least 10 times more nutritional elements in it?
Nutrient Dense Pasture and Fodder Food is Vastly Better for Your Livestock
Just as nutrient dense produce coming off the farms keeps the consumers healthier, the same can be said for livestock. Nutrient dense paddock feed and produce for livestock keeps stock healthier.
Nutrient Dense Food? ….. What is that?
In the next few minutes you are going to hear the story of nutrient dense foods and how this information can change your life. I think you are going to love the story of nutrient dense foods for several reasons.
Are You Sick and Tired of Reading about the Latest Product to Treat a Resistance Problem?
How often do you pick up a periodical and you read the comments made by a spokesperson of authority about resistance and the latest news or the latest discovery about it? Every season there is talk about internal parasite resistance…
Can Frost Damage be Prevented?
Growers use one or all these methods as frost damage can cost all growers dearly over a wide range of crops. Growers have often asked us is there anything they can do to reduce the effects of frost…
How to Beat the Market every time and Sell Your Produce at Your Price, Where You Want and When You Want
Recently I have heard that the Australian government has in place emergency laws to take control of your food if the occasion arises. Is this true? Do other governments around the world have similar policies in place?
The Science You Want to Get to Know that makes Farming Profitable and Enjoyable
As far as we are concerned, science falls into two categories: one that when used makes life a joy on the farm and one that costs you dearly. When science and scientific research is directed to unraveling the incredible complex systems…
A Few Small Steps For Bigger Returns
What if right now you were given you on a silver platter “7 Farming Secrets” that you can apply to 7 key areas of your farm, easy to tap in to profit centres, and a simple idea or two to make each profit centre a little more profitable?
It’s Not Your Fault!
If you are one of the 81% of farmers still farming conventionally and using chemicals and synthetic fertilisers it is completely understandable.
Don’t Take Your Health For Granted Just Because Millions Do
Every farmer knows the importance of plant and stock health to farm profitability. The problem is that many farmers take their own health for granted. They don’t relate their health to the profitability to the farm.
Confused? How do You Know Who to Listen to?
Just how do you select a farm consultant? Who are you meant to know is good value? What equates to good farming advice? There is heaps of advice out there these days and it’s not just from your neighbours and what they think!