Category: Regenerative Farming
Webinar Replay – What Do Weeds Mean To You?
JOIN THE GROUP AND HANGOUT WITH LIKE-MINDED PEOPLE! Thank you so much for attending our webinar today and for joining the REPLAY. See you on…
The Hidden Benefits of Weeds. Embracing a Balanced Perspective in Agriculture and Nature
While often considered unwanted invaders that threaten to agricultural productivity and biodiversity, weekly offer numerous benefits in both agricultural and natural environments. Understanding these positive…
WEBINAR REPLAY – Tipping Point or Turning Point? Meet our amazing guest speaker: Bee Winfield from Merribee Organic Farmacy. Already embracing biological farming methods, Bee’s breakthrough came when she studied with Dr.…
Tipping Point or Turning Point?
Webinar Replay – The Benefit Of Native Grasses To Farmers What You Will Discover During This Webinar Replay: Why and how our grasslands have been destroyed. How can we restore our grasslands Grassland management…
Perennial Grass – The Foundation Of Regenerative Agriculture
The Benefits of Native Grasses And Their Use In Farming
The Benefits of Native Grasses And Their Use In Farming Native grasses offer practical benefits for regenerative farming practices, including soil conservation, increasing biodiversity, water…
Animal Feeders For Free Choice Minerals
Some type of feeders for making available free choice minerals to animals. Free-choice mineral feeders are designed to provide animals with easy access to essential minerals…
Webinar Replay – Why Do Animals Need Stock Supplements?
What You Will Discover During This Webinar Replay: What are Stock Supplements? Why do animals need stock supplements? The benefits of animal supplementation How stress…
The Benefits Of Animal Supplementation
The benefits of animal supplementation. In our last blog post we wrote about Pat Coleby who believed that many animal health problems are related to…
Why Do Animals Need Stock Supplements?
Why Do Animals Need Stock Supplements? Over many years we have worked with farmers to keep their stock healthy. When running a farm supply store…
The Basics of Biodynamic Composting What You Will Discover During This Webinar Replay: What is Biodynamics? The difference between conventional v spiritual farming How to make a static compost…
Worms Are The Answer!
If most industrial farming methods interrupt the soil food web and the connection between the plant hair roots so that it does not function as…
Super nutrition for revitalised soils
It has been recently demonstrated that soils man- aged organically, revitalised by a range of natural minerals and enriched with organic matter have pro- vided…
Support local while you FindGoodFood with tasty new app
By: Edwin Williams AS a teenager, Chris Macquet spent years extremely ill, having contracted hepatitis A. Living with a severely damaged liver ever since, sourcing…
How Brix Meters work!
It is important to monitor regularly the health of the soil as well as the plants that grow on it. Good soil nutrition helps plants…
Is the food that you are growing or eating bursting with nutrients?
Predominantly In an increasingly toxic world it is becoming more important for producers to grow food without toxic chemicals and for consumers to seek food…